Research study on digital innovation ecosystems in healthcare

Thanks to professors Eivor Oborn (WBS) and Michael Barrett (Cambridge University) for their significant contribution to Inovacare. Though the last three years they have been investigating how digitally enabled healthcare services are accelerated through collaborative efforts within the ecosystem. While acknowledging the vital role of collaboration in innovation, they explored the challenges of collaboration in a healthcare landscape characterized by silos and vested interests.

The study investigated how collaboration evolved over time, emphasizing its impact on diverse stakeholders and the creation of value. Notably, it revealed that Inovacare strengthened relationships among healthcare stakeholders, fostering new collaborative interfaces. Inovacare has bolstered an innovation culture, promoted ideation, and initiated projects across partners, engaging both national and international digital health innovation networks. Linken ehealth lab has emerged as a creative hub for co-developing new software-enabled technologies within the healthcare ecosystem.

Looking ahead, the vision for Inovacare is to build upon these achievements by expanding partnerships. This will be complemented by the future envisioning of Inovacare living up to its name as a new star within digital healthcare innovation.

Thanks to all stakeholders that have contributed in interviews. Also a big thanks to the advisory board for their valuable contributions.


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